Maps of the Surrounding Area
These maps show the location of the conference venue, hotels in the vicinity, the spots of the social events as well as restaurants and other points of interest.
Upon registration, every participant will receive a complimentary printed map of Vienna (which is also often offered in hotels).
Hotels and Social Events
Click here to show this map in full screen together with a hotel list.

Restaurants and Other Useful Spots
Click here to show this map in full screen together with a list of restaurants.
There are many restaurants in the area; please feel free to find your personal favorite. Please note that lunches are not included in the conference fee.
A selection of foods (including vegetarian and meat menus) and drinks is available at the snack bar (open every day from 10:00 to 15:00) just in front of the main lecture hall. A canteen (“Mensa”) is located on the first floor (above ground; yellow area) of the “Freihaus” building of the Vienna University (Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10). Discount vouchers (€1.50 off hot meals) for each day are provided in the conference bag and can be used at the snack bar, the canteen and at Cafe Schrödinger which is located on the ground floor below the canteen.

Interactive City Map
The city of Vienna provides an interactive map where you can search for an address and display various points of interest.